January 5 - Treasuring God

Luke 6:43-49


  • Dive deeper into the treasure we find in God through this article.

  • Copy James 1:22 on a card. Read it every morning when you wake and every evening before bed, until you know it by heart.


  • What do your words reveal about what is in your heart (Luke 6:45)? What good treasure can you speak into another person’s life this week?

  • Who needs to hear about how Jesus treasured you? How can telling others about Jesus help you treasure God more?


  • How does trauma reveal whether we have built our lives on the words of God or on the shifting sand of culture? Share examples of both in your own life. How are they different?

  • Words are cheap when you’re not doing what you say. What words and actions do you need to commit to saying and doing in this new year?

Dan Smith
December 29 - God Stories

Genesis 22:13-14, Joshua 4:21-24


  • Set aside time this week to reflect on the “God stories” in your life from this year. Write them down and journal how you have grown spiritually through these “God stories.”

  • If you’re having trouble seeing God’s work in your life, listen to this song and delight in the Lord inviting you to come to Him: search “Come You Unfaithful” (Michael Boggs).


  • Who can you share one of your “God stories” with this week to encourage them, even if you don’t know them well or aren’t sure what they believe spiritually.


  • Who in your “community” can you invite over to your home or meet up with for coffee to reflect on “God stories” with? Then prayerfully consider together how you desire for God to move in your lives in 2025!

Dan Smith
December 22 - What Child is This?

Luke 2:1-21; 1:26-38; and Matthew 1:18-2:13


  • Read more about “What Child is This?” in this article.

  • Why was the baby’s birth proclaimed to shepherds?  Here are 5 reasons to consider.


  • Who do YOU say the Child is? How can you share the wonder that He is our Savior and King in words or actions this week?

  • Jesus, in humility, came as a baby to bring us salvation. How can you humbly put others before yourself this week?


  • Listen to this hymn several times. Journal or discuss how this song helps you revere Christ even more.

  • Read Psalm 130:4. Discuss what this stanza means to you personally: “Good Christian, fear: for sinners here, the silent Word is pleading.”

Dan Smith
December 15 - I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

Revelation 20:7-10; 21:1-5; 22:1-5


  • Consider the biblical meaning of “Peace” by watching this video.

  • What does Jesus’ “peace on earth” really mean? Consider further by reading this article.


  • This hymn reminds us that because of Jesus, we can have peace, even in turmoil. How can you share this peace with others this week?

  • Read Revelation 21:1-5 Journal what stirs in your heart and mind. How does this reality change your perspective?


  • Read the third verse together. What “despair” are you facing right now? Discuss then spend time praying for one another.

  • What “wrongs” do you long to be made right? How can we remain faithful in this “in-between” time as we await Jesus’ return?

  • Listen to or read the lyrics of “What Child is This?.” Then explore Colossians 1:15-23 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith