December 8 - Joy to the World

Isaiah 35


  • Consider the biblical meaning of “Joy” through this video.

  • For a deeper look at the Joy of the Lord and how it is possible for Jesus’ followers, read this article.


  • This hymn tells us why we can choose JOY in all circumstances. How can you share your joy with others this week?

  • Write out Luke 2:10. How will you use your words, actions, and attitude to bring this good news to those with fearful hearts this week?


  • “Let every heart prepare Him room.” What might be crowding out Jesus in your heart? What needs to happen for that to change?

  • We celebrate Christ’s first coming. How could also living in anticipation of his second coming open the way to more joy?

  • Listen to or read the lyrics of “I heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” Then explore Revelation 20:7-10 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith
December 1 - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Gen. 3:15, Isa. 9:6, Matt. 6:10, and Eph. 2:4-6


  • Take a deeper at this hymn’s themes in this advent video series.

  • Turn a few lines from this hymn into a prayer. Pray daily as you anticipate Christ’s coming at Christmas.


  • Are you longing for Jesus? Make a point this week to demonstrate hope, joy, wonder, and faith in your words and actions.

  • As you Listen to “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus,” journal ways this song helps you celebrate Christmas differently this year.


  • Jesus is our Redeemer, Shepherd, and Friend. Which of these names brings you the most gladness. Why?What practical steps can we take together to slow down and love better this holiday season?

  • This hymn encourages us to celebrate Christ’s first coming and anticipate his second coming. What is one way we can practically do that together this month?

  • Listen to or read the the lyrics of “Joy to the World.” Then explore Isaiah 35 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith
November 24 - Love in the Slow Lane

Luke 10:25-42


  • Learn more about the Good Samaritan parable by reading this article.

  • Consider the biblical meaning of the word “love” by watching this Bible Project video.


  • We show love for God when we love our “neighbor.” How will you make time this week to love someone well?

  • Turn verse 27 into a prayer. (“God help me to..”) Pray this daily. See how God works through this desire to love well.


  • How does feeling “anxious and troubled about many things” (v.41) impact our ability to love as Christ loves us? What should we do instead?

  • What practical steps can we take together to slow down and love better this holiday season?

  • •  Listen to or read the the lyrics of “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.” Then explore Gen. 3:15, Isa. 9:6, Matt. 6:10, and Eph. 2:4-6 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith
November 17 - Black Friday's Coming

Luke 12:13-21


  • Explore helpful ideas to limit “stuff” and practice “simplicity” through this video. To access entire “Unhurry” series, use this link.

  • Copy 1 Tim. 6:6-10 on a card or set it as your phone background. Read it every morning and evening until you know it by heart.


  • What self-focused assumptions push you towards the idols of control and comfort over trusting God?

  • What does it look like to be “rich towards God”? What is one way you can use what you own to benefit others this week?


  • What makes Jesus’ view on greatness so radical? How can we maintain childlike humility in our day-to-day lives?

  • Do you view children as a blessing or a burden? How do they bless your life? How can you be a blessing to them?

  • Explore Luke 10:25-42 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith