About Groups
A Grow Group is a small group (usually 4-12 adults from various walks of life) meeting regularly to pursue our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by prioritizing the Word and prayer in community together.
2024-25 Grow Group season:
Fall (Aug 25 to Dec 7)
Spring (Jan 5 to Apr 26)
Pastor John shares what you can expect with Grow Groups

Find A Group
Looking for a group of people to grow and do life with? Check out these possibilities!
Explore our list of existing groups. Search to narrow the list down to those that work best for you, contact the leader for more information or request to join the group.
If none of our existing groups work - or you’d like to lead a Grow Group - we’d love to support you. Click on “Start a Group” and let us know how we can help.
Find others who share your passions/interests. Serving together is a great way to connect with other believers!
Still feeling stuck? Contact our Grow Group Director for more ideas or help!

Group resources
RightNow Media gives you access to over 20,000 biblically based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and more. Many have free study guide and leader helps. Click on “RightNow Media” to sign up or log in on any device.
Focus your group time around discussing this week’s sermon. Click on “Beyond Sunday” for resources specific to each week’s sermon.
Other free resources available for use in your group: Click on the links below or stop by the church office to pick up a hardcopy version of each resource:
One to One Bible Reading book