December 22 - What Child is This?

Luke 2:1-21; 1:26-38; and Matthew 1:18-2:13


  • Read more about “What Child is This?” in this article.

  • Why was the baby’s birth proclaimed to shepherds?  Here are 5 reasons to consider.


  • Who do YOU say the Child is? How can you share the wonder that He is our Savior and King in words or actions this week?

  • Jesus, in humility, came as a baby to bring us salvation. How can you humbly put others before yourself this week?


  • Listen to this hymn several times. Journal or discuss how this song helps you revere Christ even more.

  • Read Psalm 130:4. Discuss what this stanza means to you personally: “Good Christian, fear: for sinners here, the silent Word is pleading.”

Dan Smith