July 14 - Unity in Serving

1 Peter 4:7-11


  • Check out these verses and reasons why it is “good and pleasant” for Christians to be unified.

  • Copy 1 Peter 4:8 on a card. Read it every morning when you wake and every evening before bed, until you know it by heart.


  • What is one way you can show hospitality this week? Do it without grumbling or boasting.

  • What part might you play in the Body? Take 5 minutes to tell us about your gifts by completing the Sharing Time & Talents Questionnaire.


  • Discuss how Peter’s assertion that “the end of all things is at hand” should impact the way we live right now. What does this mean for your life personally?

  • Who do you know that serves others well? How does this glorify God and unify believers? How can you show appreciation for their service this week?

Dan Smith
July 7 - Unity in Spirit

John 17:20-26


  • To gain context for this part of Jesus’ prayer in John 17, read this GotQuestions.org article. Then, deepen your understanding of the importance of Christian unity with this one.

  • Turn John 17:23-24 into a prayer that you can pray for yourself, our church, and those in your life who don’t yet have a relationship with Jesus. Pray it each day this week.


  • John 17:21-23 gives a glimpse of how deeply Jesus desires that his followers live in unity. Consider one (even small) way you could take a step toward unity with another believer this week. Then commit to do it!

  • Write out John 17:20-23 in your own words. How can you share this truth through your words or actions this week?


  • According to verse 26, Jesus wants the Father’s love for him to be in us. What would this look like practically in our lives today?

  • Look up the word “unity” in a dictionary. Which definition best fits what Jesus was praying for in this passage? Why?

Dan Smith
June 30 - Five Questions

Romans 8:30-39


  • To gain context for today’s passage, read this recap of Romans 5-8 from BibleProject.

  • Copy Romans 8:31-32 on a card. Read it every morning when you wake and every evening before bed, until you know it by heart.

  • Use the words of Psalm 56 to help you entrust to the Lord any areas of fear or hurt in your life.


  • Romans 8:32 urges us to believe in God’s generosity and love. Consider one (even small) way you could show his generosity to another person this week. Then commit to do it!

  • Write out Romans 8:37-39 in your own words. How can you share this truth through your words or actions this week?


  • How does what we learned today help us trust and follow the Lord, even in the face of life’s greatest challenges? Share examples of how doing this can mature our faith.

  • Listen to One Thing Remains several times. Then journal how this song can help to strengthen your faith when the going gets tough.

Dan Smith
June 23 - From Groaning to Glory

Romans 8:18-30


  • Look up the word “glory” in a dictionary. Which definition best fits the way it’s used in this passage? Why? (For an outline of biblical usage, see here.)

  • What does it mean to be “called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28-29)? Check out this explanation from GotQuestions.org.


  • Who do you know who’s suffering right now? How can Romans 8:26-27 help you better pray for them this week? As you pray, ask the Spirit to intercede on their behalf.

  • Listen to the song Firm Foundation. Share specific ways God has been your firm foundation with someone who needs your encouragement this week.


  • Discuss ways we add to creation’s “groaning” (Rom. 8:20-22). What do we need to do differently?

  • Do you believe God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long-range good (Rom. 8:28-30)? Discuss how this can be true even in desperate situations.

Dan Smith