June 16 - Spirit or Flesh?

Romans 8:9-17



  • Specifically, how can your actions this week “bear witness” that you are one of God’s children and heirs (Rom. 8:16-17)?

  • Listen to the song This Is Amazing Grace. Share with another person all the ways you have seen God’s amazing grace in your life.


  • Discuss how taking wrong thoughts captive and confessing sin can help you say “no” to the flesh and “yes” to the Spirit.

  • Share examples of how the Spirit has moved you toward radical holiness, fearless freedom, family prayerfulness, and/or the hope of glory (Rom. 8:12-17).

Dan Smith
June 9 - Life and Peace

Romans 8:1-8


  • Copy Romans 8:1 on a card. Read it every morning when you wake and every evening before bed until you know it by heart.

  • Why couldn’t the law give life (Rom. 8:3)? Learn about the purpose of the law by watching this BibleProject video.


  • Romans 8:4-5 urges us to walk according to the Spirit by setting our minds on the things of the Spirit. Consider one (even small) way this would affect the way you treat another person this week. Then commit to do it!

  • Summarize Romans 8:1-4 in your own words. How can you share this truth through your words or actions this week?


  • How can what we learned today help us to walk according to the Spirit?

  • Listen to Blessed Assurance several times. Then journal how the truths in this song help you set your mind on the things of the Spirit (Rom. 8:5).

Dan Smith
June 2 - The Struggle Is Real…

Romans 7:7-25


  • To better understand what “holy” means (v. 12), check out this article. Then explore how the law is useful for Christians still today with this one.

  • Consider the biblical meaning of “sin” by watching this BibleProject video.


  • While our struggle with indwelling sin can seem like a battle we can’t win, Tim Keller called it, “The battle you can’t lose.” Why is that the case (see v. 25)? How could you use this truth to encourage another person this week?

  • Share the song You’ve Already Won with someone needing hope. Pray together for victory.


  • Share examples of ways we serve the law of God with our minds but the law of sin with our flesh (v. 25). How does Jesus deliver us from this dilemma?

  • What does Paul mean when he says it is our indwelling sin that is doing the sinful actions, not our truest self (v. 20)?

Dan Smith
May 26 - The Best Belonging

Romans 7:1-6


  • For additional perspective, watch this video on Romans 7 by J.D. Greear.

  • Biblical references to marriage point to the Church as the bride of Christ. To better understand this concept, read this article.


  • Believers who die to the law are free to belong to Jesus and bear fruit for God (Rom. 7:4). Consider one (even small) way you can live this out this week by the way you treat others. Then commit to do it!

  • Write out Romans 7:5-6 in your own words. How can you share this truth in words or actions this week?


  • How does being “in Christ” free us from being married to: self; destructive thoughts/behaviors; being a “good person”; or running after things like control, comfort, or approval?

  • Listen to Yet Not I but through Christ in Me several times. Write down all the ways Christ empowers us to defeat sin and bear fruit for God.

Dan Smith