Romans 8:9-17
To better grasp how we can put to death the deeds of the flesh by the power of the Spirit, watch this J.D. Greear video on Romans 8:1-17.
For a deeper understanding of the name “Abba Father” (Rom. 8:15), check out this explanation.
Specifically, how can your actions this week “bear witness” that you are one of God’s children and heirs (Rom. 8:16-17)?
Listen to the song This Is Amazing Grace. Share with another person all the ways you have seen God’s amazing grace in your life.
Discuss how taking wrong thoughts captive and confessing sin can help you say “no” to the flesh and “yes” to the Spirit.
Share examples of how the Spirit has moved you toward radical holiness, fearless freedom, family prayerfulness, and/or the hope of glory (Rom. 8:12-17).