July 14 - Unity in Serving

1 Peter 4:7-11


  • Check out these verses and reasons why it is “good and pleasant” for Christians to be unified.

  • Copy 1 Peter 4:8 on a card. Read it every morning when you wake and every evening before bed, until you know it by heart.


  • What is one way you can show hospitality this week? Do it without grumbling or boasting.

  • What part might you play in the Body? Take 5 minutes to tell us about your gifts by completing the Sharing Time & Talents Questionnaire.


  • Discuss how Peter’s assertion that “the end of all things is at hand” should impact the way we live right now. What does this mean for your life personally?

  • Who do you know that serves others well? How does this glorify God and unify believers? How can you show appreciation for their service this week?

Dan Smith