Jan. 21 - Inward or Upward? (Jon. 2)
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: If you were in the belly of a great fish for 3 days, and you could pause one of your senses during that time, which one would it be and why?
A way to pray: Pray that, when we experience the Lord's discipline, we will more quickly turn upward to Him instead of inward.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: Read Hebrews 12:5-11. How can discipline be a good thing? In what ways is God's discipline better than any other discipline?
  • Being Transformed: Why does God's discipline often turn us inward? What steps can we take to help us choose to turn upward instead?
  • Loving Others: Who in my life needs to hear (again or for the first time) God's call to turn to Him? How will I share that with them?
  • Pursuing Unity: What is something that encourages me when I'm going through discipline or suffering? How can we encourage one another?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Jan. 14 - Toward or Away From? (Jon. 1)
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one reminder of God's presence there with you, what would it be?
A way to pray: Pray that God will use us to draw 2,000 people into a growing relationship with Him by 2022. Ask Him to show us the specific steps we can take in that right now. (See also the Loving Others question below.)

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: What are some of the things Jesus had to endure in order to bring God's presence to us?
  • Being Transformed: What is one area of my life where I want to allow God's presence to be exhibited more fully in/through me?
  • Loving Others: Who are some of the people with whom God wants me to share His presence? What does that look like practically?
  • Pursuing Unity: What are some specific ways believers can draw closer in community by sharing Christ's presence with each other and with others?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Jan. 7 - Extraordinarily Ordinary People (Jn. 17:17-19; 2 Cor. 5:14-21; Mt. 28:18-20)
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: Have you ever gone on a mission trip? If so, share a little about it. If not, what's a mission trip you would like to go on (where would you go and what would you do)?
A way to pray: Pray for God to give us increased desire and opportunities to share His good news with others as we seek to see 2,000 people baptized and growing in relationship with Him by 2022.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: What is one thing I love about God that I want others to experience, too? How can I play a part in that?
  • Being Transformed: What is one change I can make to move toward those who don't yet have a relationship with Jesus?
  • Loving Others: What are some practical examples of how I have shared the love of Jesus recently through my words and through my actions?
  • Pursuing Unity: How does being "on mission" together bring unity? What role am I currently playing in NPBC's mission?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Dec. 31 - It's Yours...Take It! (2 Pet. 1:3-11)
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: What's one thing you're looking forward to in the new year?
A way to pray: Pray for each other to grow in the qualities from verses 5-7, deepening our enjoyment of the life and community we have in Jesus and encouraging us to invite others into it.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: What promises is Peter referring to in verses 3-4? Which of these promises are most precious to me?
  • Being Transformed: Which quality from verses 5-7 would I like to grow in? What's one step I can take right now?
  • Loving Others: Why does a lack of love for others make our relationship with Jesus ineffective/unfruitful? How are these connected?
  • Pursuing Unity: What does Peter mean by brotherly affection? Why is it important for our relationship with Jesus?
Grow GroupsDan Smith