Questions for the season break

As we wrap up another Grow Group season (groups resume 9/10), we’d like to offer some questions you can discuss with family or friends to continue growing in your relationships with Jesus Christ during the break. If you want to base this discussion on the weekly sermons, you can find the audio for those here (updates each Sun. afternoon). Icebreaker idea: What was one highlight of this past week for you?

A way to pray: Pray with us that by 2022, through God’s grace and power, we will see 2000 people baptized and growing in relationship with Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community.

For discussion:

  • What is God showing me about himself lately?
  • How is God challenging me to be more like Jesus? What’s my next step?
  • How have I experienced God’s love recently? How can I share his love with someone this week?
  • Where in my life can I see the enemy trying to cause disunity, division, and discord? How can I pursue unity instead? How does my relationship with Jesus help?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
May 7 - God as Reconciler (2 Cor. 5:11-21)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: If you were chosen to carry an important message to another country, where would you want to be sent, and what would you want it to be about?

A way to pray: Pray for opportunities to live out our role as ambassadors for Christ through both words and actions this week, in our homes, with our friends, in our workplaces, and in our community.

For discussion:

  • What does it mean to be a new creation in Christ? How have I seen this in my own life or in the life of someone I know?
  • How do we become “ambassadors for Christ”? What are the practical implications of being his ambassador?
  • Whom might I tend to write off or overlook when I think about sharing the gospel with others?
  • What did it cost God to reconcile us to himself? What does this mean for our reconciliation with each other and others?
Apr. 30 - God as Cleanser (1 Cor. 6:9-11)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What's one big cleanup project you've done or been part of?

A way to pray: Pray for the opportunity to tell someone about what God has done for you – the changes he has made in you. Ask him to use our stories to bring 2000 people into relationship with him through our ministry by 2022.

For discussion:

  • Who is disqualified from inheriting the kingdom of God? How can we inherit it?
  • What does it mean to be washed, sanctified, and justified? Why are these realities so precious for Christians?
  • What is one thing I'm particularly grateful that God has changed about me? What would I still like to see him change?
  • How does being real about our past help us love others? How does it help us build community with each other?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Apr. 23 - God as Light (2 Cor. 4:1-7)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What is one aspect of creation or one type of artistic expression you find especially beautiful? Why?

A way to pray: Pray for opportunities to share the gospel as we trust God to bring 2000 people into relationship with him through our ministry by 2022.

For discussion:

  • What have I most appreciated about God lately?
  • Why does Paul use the word "light" to describe the gospel?
  • How does the gospel lead us to renounce "disgraceful, underhanded ways"? Why do we still struggle with this even after we belong to Jesus?
  • Why is it loving to share the gospel with those whom God has placed in our lives? What does it look like to do this in a loving way?
Grow GroupsDan Smith