Posts in Grow Groups
Oct. 9 - Living Counter-culturally

Acts 2:37-47

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.

Icebreaker idea

Who is someone in your life or around you that clearly lives counter to culture because out of devotion to Christ? As you observe them, what does that stir up in you? (inspiration, conviction, encouragement, etc?)

Talk it over

  • What was one thing I heard in this week’s sermon that has impacted/challenged me?

  • Treasuring God: What is something about who God is/what He’s done that leads me to want to live in devotion to Him and counter to culture?

  • Being Transformed: What are a couple steps I sense the Lord nudging me to take to grow in light of this passage?

  • Loving Others: Who in my life desperately needs to experience Jesus for the first time? What might it look like to allow the Holy Spirit to work through me as I seek to move towards them?

  • Pursuing Unity: What are some practical ways we can deepen our level of “fellowship,” unity, generosity as a small group? As a church?

A way to pray

Pray for one another, that we would be people who experience Jesus continually in such a way that through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to live counter to culture. Pray that we would see the value in and be devoted to growing through the Apostle’s Teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers. (Word, prayer, community). Pray that as individuals, small groups, and as a church we would experience the Holy Spirit in such a way that we want to be generous, want to “do life” together regularly as believers, want to let our whole lives be acts of worship to God. So that ultimately the Lord would be glorified and use us to draw more people to Himself in Lincoln County!

Oct. 2 - Prayer & Community: Silence/Solitude & Serving

Mark 6:7, 12-13, 30-46

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.

Icebreaker idea

Think about someone prioritizes prayer and community well. How do you see that impacting them personally and those around them?

Talk it over

  • What was one thing you heard in this week’s sermon that has impacted with/ challenged you?

  • Treasuring God: What’s something I personally appreciate about God that I wish everyone else could see and appreciate also?

  • Being Transformed: What are a couple steps I sense the Lord nudging me to take to grow in serving and/or in silence/solitude?

  • Loving Others: Who are some of the “outsiders” in my life? What might it look like to serve them with my words and actions?

  • Pursuing Unity: What are some practical ways we can serve each other (“insiders”) with what Jesus has given each of us?

A way to pray

Pray for one another, that we would be people who prioritize getting away and spending time alone, just to be with God. Pray that we would see the value in and allow our lives to be built around patterns of serving and loving one another in community. Pray that as individuals, groups, and as a church we would experience a personal connection with Jesus that is authentic and contagious towards others in such a way that they are drawn into relationship Him also!

Grow GroupsDan Smith2022-23
Sept. 25 - Word: Application

Luke 24:13-35

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.

Icebreaker idea

Share about a time where you saw the Truth of God’s Word applied correctly in someone’s every day life? How did that impact you, as you observed them?

Talk it over

  • What was one thing you heard in this week’s sermon that has stuck with/ challenged you?

  • Treasuring God: Why does Bible application start with applying to our hearts/minds first? What is a truth about God that really impacts your heart/mind?

  • Being Transformed: How does right application of the Bible protect us from legalism and from hypocrisy?

  • Loving Others: What difference does it make if we do the “right thing” (e.g. serve someone) out of a sense of obligation rather than from the heart?

  • Pursuing Unity: Why is applying the Bible correctly such an essential part of our church community? How can we pursue this value together as a group?

A way to pray

Pray for one another, that we would be people who know the Truth of God’s Word and are also willing to apply it correctly. Pray for protection against legalism or hypocrisy. Pray that our hearts would be transformed in such a way that we “apply” out of a sincere heart that is dependent on the Lord and not out of our own ability or obligation. Pray that the application of God’s Word would be highly valued among grow groups and our church as a whole, that we would be a people who live out the Truth that we profess!

Grow GroupsDan Smith2022-23
Sept. 18 - Word: Study & Meditation

Matthew 5:13-20, 7:12

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.

Icebreaker idea: Who comes to mind when you think about someone who displays God’s goodness through how they live? How does their life impact yours?

A way to pray: Pray for one another, that we would be a people who are continually seeking to understand and meditate on the Truth of God’s Word. Ask the Lord for opportunity this week to live out the Golden Rule with those around you. Pray that we would be people, groups and a church who are "salt and light” to our community in such a way that they are drawn to the life that Jesus offers.

Talk It Over:

  • What was one thing you heard in this week’s sermon that has stuck with/ challenged you?

  • Treasuring God: How does our love for God impact how we are able to be “salt and light” to the world?

  • Being Transformed: How has my view of the Bible changed in the last two weeks through this series?

  • Loving Others: How does studying and meditating on Scripture through the lens of Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12) change the way we view/treat others? What would be an example of this from your life?

  • Pursuing Unity: What could we do practically to support one another in prioritizing Bible study and meditation as we meet regularly?

Grow GroupsDan Smith2022-23