Oct. 9 - Living Counter-culturally
Acts 2:37-47
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea
Who is someone in your life or around you that clearly lives counter to culture because out of devotion to Christ? As you observe them, what does that stir up in you? (inspiration, conviction, encouragement, etc?)
Talk it over
What was one thing I heard in this week’s sermon that has impacted/challenged me?
Treasuring God: What is something about who God is/what He’s done that leads me to want to live in devotion to Him and counter to culture?
Being Transformed: What are a couple steps I sense the Lord nudging me to take to grow in light of this passage?
Loving Others: Who in my life desperately needs to experience Jesus for the first time? What might it look like to allow the Holy Spirit to work through me as I seek to move towards them?
Pursuing Unity: What are some practical ways we can deepen our level of “fellowship,” unity, generosity as a small group? As a church?
A way to pray
Pray for one another, that we would be people who experience Jesus continually in such a way that through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to live counter to culture. Pray that we would see the value in and be devoted to growing through the Apostle’s Teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers. (Word, prayer, community). Pray that as individuals, small groups, and as a church we would experience the Holy Spirit in such a way that we want to be generous, want to “do life” together regularly as believers, want to let our whole lives be acts of worship to God. So that ultimately the Lord would be glorified and use us to draw more people to Himself in Lincoln County!