Graduation Sunday // Which Way? (Psalm 1)
As we think about what the future may hold, how can we choose the best path for our lives? Which way will lead to happiness, a life that is genuinely flourishing and joyful? This week we will be jumping into Psalm 1 and talking through how the path we choose either leads toward destruction or to happiness and prosperity.
Ice Breaker Questions
Here are some possible ways to get a conversation started:
What is your favorite vacation spot?
Mountains or beach?
Getting Started
1. Open up with some prayer – some possible prayer topics:
The Lord would continue to water and grow each one of us.
We would learn what it means to be planted and rooted in the Word.
We would continue to walk the path God has laid out for us.
2. Read Psalm 1
Discussion Questions
There can be so many misnomers as to what “prospering” looks like. The world often has such a different idea than what is presented in Scripture. What does it mean to “prosper” as it refers to Psalm 1? How is this different than what the world portrays as prospering?
What does it look like to meditate on Scripture? It can be so easy just to read Scripture and go about the day never thinking about it again. How could you set aside time throughout the day (~5-10 minutes) to meditate on Scripture?
Do you delight in Scripture, or does it feel like a burden in your life? Things that are meant to be a joy can quickly become a task and carry dread with it. Why was the Law considered a joy to the Israelites? Why is Scripture considered a joy to us as believers? How do we remind ourselves of this joy?
Jesus is quoted telling a Pharisee that loving God is the most important commandment and I think we would all agree. He then says that loving others is the 2nd most important commandment. Why do you think that is? What does loving others do inside of us as believers? Do you think this way about loving others?
Psalm 1 draws this tension between walking in the council of the wicked or sitting in the seat of scoffers and delighting and meditating on the Law. How do we keep ourselves from the council of wicked or sitting with scoffers? What role does this community play in helping keep us from that or in steering us back when we do? Why do we need help doing this?
Closing Prayer
Prayer can often be somewhat of a weird time, and we understand it can be awkward to pray out loud, but as your group grows in comfortability ask people to pray out loud. Prayer is a very effective tool the Holy Spirit uses to draw our hearts closer to God. It is also a time you as a group can come together and come before the throne of God and make requests and just experience Him.
Some suggestions:
Pray for the needs of the group.
That we would all delight in Scripture.
That we would have the relationship and courage to help each other avoid the council of the wicked.
Personal Spiritual Practice
This section is for anyone that wants some practical steps to try throughout their week. They are not required, but maybe a great way to reinforce what has been discussed during group. Maybe this could even be a way to check in either during the week or the next time you meet as a group.
Prayer: Each day pray through Psalm 1 or another Psalm. Allow the themes and individual verses to guide your prayer time. Maybe that is saying them directly or using them as a springboard into how they apply to things in your life.
2. Affirm: I would encourage you to go on a walk and listen to Psalm 1 as you are walking around. Notice creation around you and how the Lord sustains it and will you. Also, take time to affirm your choice to follow His path toward Him and time to delight in Him.
Next Week’s Passage: Hebrews 4:14-5:10