Grow Group Questions // May 8, 2022

Mother’s Day // God’s Provision (Eph. 6:1-3)


How do we love those who are sometimes the hardest to love? Mother’s Day can be such an amazing day to honor those who have loved us our whole lives and then some, but for some it can be a day mixed with hard emotions. This week we are looking at Ephesians 6:1-3 and what it looks like to honor the mothers who are worthy of honor and the mothers who are not.

Ice Breaker Questions

Here are some possible ways to get a conversation started:

  1. Where is the most interesting place you have been?

  2. What is the best meal of the day?

Getting Started

1. Open up with some prayer – some possible prayer topics:

  • God would lead your time of discussion.

  • That this study would help our understanding of who God is and who we are in light of that.

  • Pray for your GG, that God would bring unity and community in your group.

  • We would learn what it looks like to honor our mothers.

2. Read Ephesians 6:1-3

Discussion Questions

  1. We know that some mother-child relationships can be very difficult and hard to navigate. Why is it important we pursue trying to honor our mothers? How does it impact you?

  2. It can be so easy to miss all that God is doing and has provided and yet we know that “every good thing comes from above.” Where have you seen God provide or fill in the “gaps” in your life? What does that reveal about who God is? How could you help yourself remember that truth about God?

  3. The church is a community and is made up of many differing gifts and talents to help bless others in the church and further the Kingdom of God. What gifts/resources has God blessed you with that you could help/encourage others with? How could you take a step toward using those gifts/resources?

  4. Honoring our parents can look so different depending on the relationship and personalities. What does honoring your mother look like for you today? Does that feel easy or difficult to do?

  5. Where could you take some intentional time to invest in a special way this week (e.g. your family, church family, community)? What will that look like practically?

Closing Prayer

Prayer can often be somewhat of a weird time, and we understand it can be awkward to pray out loud, but as your group grows in comfortability ask people to pray out loud. Prayer is a very effective tool the Holy Spirit uses to draw our hearts closer to God. It is also a time you as a group can come together and come before the throne of God and make requests and just experience Him.

Some suggestions:

  • Ask if there are any prayer requests.

  • Pray that Jesus would use the week to reaffirm the truths discussed here.

  • Pray for mothers in our church to care and nurture their families well.

Personal Spiritual Practice

This section is for anyone that wants some practical steps to try throughout their week. They are not required, but maybe a great way to reinforce what has been discussed during group. Maybe this could even be a way to check in either during the week or the next time you meet as a group.

  1. Life Reflection: Take some time and write out 10 big things that God has done for you. Maybe they do not seem big on the outside but had a big impact on you at the time or even today.


    2. Prayer: Pray for your mom this week. That may be thanking God for the mom you do or did have or maybe that is looking to forgive your mom for what she has done or is doing to you today. In either case, I encourage you to take your emotions (no matter how pretty or ugly they feel) to the Lord.

Next Week’s Passage: Psalm 1