March 2 - Who's the Judge?

Romans 14:1-12


  • Consider Jesus’ teaching on judgment through this video.

  • Look up “judge” and “condemn” in a dictionary. How are they similar? How are they different? What role do both words have in what Paul is addressing?


  • These verses urge us not to quarrel over opinions. Has a difference in opinion damaged one of your relationships? How can you restore fellowship with that person this week?

  • What does it look like to follow your conscience without condemning others? How might you share your views with other believers in a loving, gracious way?


  • Discuss “negotiable” areas in your life. How can the questions John shared bring clarity in following your conscience?

  • One day we will all give an account to the all-knowing Judge of history. How does knowing this help you treat others with mercy and love today?

  • Explore Romans 14:13-23 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith
February 23 - Love with the End in Mind

Romans 13:8-14


  • Consider how Jesus’ life shows us how to truly love God and love our neighbor through this video.

  • Explore what the Bible has to say about debt through this article.


  • Who are you “robbing” by withholding love? In what specific ways can you show that person you have their highest good in mind this week?

  • Commit to memorizing Romans 13:14. Look for opportunities this week to encourage others toward confession and dependance on Christ.


  • Why do we choose to remain in darkness, instead of stepping into the light? What in your life needs to be exposed to the light right now?

  • Why do we keep our financial situation “off-limits” from our community? Take the step to be vulnerable with someone on this level and allow them to support you with love and Truth.

  • Explore Romans 14:1-12 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith
February 16 - Do I wake up believing He's available?

Psalm 46


  • For insights on how to approach and read the Psalms, watch this video.

  • Read Psalm 46 each day this week. Allow the truths within it to become familiar so you can recall them throughout your day.


  • Today’s passage encourages us to not fear but instead trust God for who He is. Who, in your life, needs to hear this hopeful message this week?

  • Write out a different verse from Psalm 46 each day this week. Ask God for opportunities to share the verse in words, actions, and prayers that day.


  • What keeps us from believing God is always available? Why do we turn to fear instead?

  • How can walking together in community help us embody these truths in our lives?

  • Explore Romans 13:8-14 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith
February 9 - Great Citizenship

Romans 13:1-7


  • For context on the passage and a quick review of Romans, watch this video.

  • Dig deeper into what it means to be “subject to governing authorities” in this article.


  • When has it been difficult to be “subject to governing authorities?” Share honestly with a fellow believer. Ask them to join you in praying for a heart change.

  • Who may be watching to see how you “subject” yourself to authority? (Kids? Coworkers? Spouse?) What tangible ways can you best reflect Christ in word and action?


  • Do you find this command to be difficult to consistently live out? Why do you think that is?

  • Paul uses the language of “subject”, not of obeying. What is the difference? Why does it matter?

  • Explore Psalm 46 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith