May 5 - Justification & Life

Romans 5:12-21



  • Romans 5:20 tells us “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” Consider one (even small) way you could extend grace to another person this week, even someone who has sinned against you. What impact could that have?

  • Write out Romans 5:15 in your own words. Then share with another person what this passage is saying and why it matters to you.


  • How can what we learned today about God’s free gift of grace help us mature in our faith?

  • Listen to O Come to the Altar several times. Journal how this song helps you appreciate the free gift of righteous-ness that comes from Christ alone.

Dan Smith
April 28 - Peace & Hope (Part 2)

Romans 5:1-11

Think it out

  • Check out these word study videos on biblical Hope and Peace.

  • Go deeper: watch the Romans 5:1-11 video in this series by J.D. Greear (If you haven’t yet signed up for your FREE RightNow Media account, text npberean to 49775).

Talk it out

  • What would it take for you to willingly lay down your life for another? How does this make Christ’s sacrifice even more precious?

  • Share examples of God’s wrath in the Bible (see here for examples of the same Greek word that Paul uses in Rom. 5:9). In this light, what does being “saved by [Christ] from the wrath of God” mean in this week’s passage?

Live it out

  • Christ reconciled us to God while we were still sinners. How could you move toward reconciliation with someone who has sinned against you?

  • As you listen to Yet Not I but through Christ in Me, make a list of ways you are blessed by Christ. How can you share this blessing with others this week?

Dan Smith
April 21 - Peace & Hope (Part 1)

Romans 5:1-11

Think it out

  • Check out these word study videos on the Biblical words for Peace and Hope.

  • Go Deeper: Watch the Romans 5:1-11 video in this series by J.D. Greer (If you haven’t yet signed up for your FREE RightNow Media account, text npberean to 49775).

Talk it out

  • Believers have been justified, saved, reconciled. What does that mean to you? Why does it matter?

  • What would it take for you to willingly lay down your life for another? How does this make Christ’s sacrifice even more precious?

Live it out

  • Re-read verses 5:3-4. How can past or current suffering lead to hope in your life? Pray for God to show you how to rejoice in suffering.

  • Who do you know that needs peace with God? Ask God for an opportunity to share the Gospel with them. Unsure how to share, click HERE.

Dan Smith
April 14 - The Golden Rule

2 Samuel 9:1-13

Note: We’re evaluating whether or not to continue including this new Beyond Sunday section in the bulletin. If you’ve found it useful and would like us to keep it (and/or if you have ideas to make it better), please let us know at

Think it out

  • The king’s enemy ate at his table like a son. Imagine what sitting at God’s banquet table will be like. Whatever you imagined isn’t even close!

  • For a deeper look at God’s “Hesed” love, watch this video.

Talk it out

  • Picture someone you struggle to love. Now imagine honoring them like royalty. What stirs in your heart? Why do you think that is?

  • What covenants have you vowed to honor? How does keeping them display loyal love?

Live it out

  • Find someone who has nothing to offer you. How can you lavish love on them this week?

  • Daily lift up “How deep the Father’s Love for Us” as a personalized prayer this week.

Dan Smith