North Platte Berean Church

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Day of Giving

Sunday, May 17 Deborah's Legacy: The Connection: NPBC Benevolence Ministry:

Jesus was rich, but for our sake He became poor (2 Cor 8:9). This is a huge part of why we encourage investing regularly in the mission of NPBC, and it's why we're excited about our upcoming Day of Giving!

On May 17 we who have much will have an opportunity to sacrificially follow Jesus' generous example. On this special day, our extra contributions designated "Day of Giving" will be used to bless three important ministries here in North Platte – Deborah’s Legacy, The Connection, and the benevolence ministry here at Berean (funds will be split 40/40/20). We will be having another planned Day of Giving in the fall to bless the Women’s Resource Center, the Gideons, and our benevolence ministry.

Would you prayerfully consider how you can cheerfully and sacrificially give?

For more information, check out the videos above, visit, or contact the office at 308-534-7448.