Easter 2024

How can we confidently live with no fear? Join in as we marvel at how Jesus’ resurrection makes it possible!

  • When: Sunday, March 31 – join in at 8, 9:30, or 11 a.m. (or video watch party at 6 p.m.)

  • Where: North Platte Berean Church, 202 W 8th St, in the Auditorium or 252 Room

  • Who: Anyone! Invite a friend, neighbor, coworker, cashier, or anyone else who might be looking for a caring spiritual community. (Invitations will be available in the foyer and at the Info Center.)

  • Cinnamon rolls: Bring a dozen to share, or just come enjoy!

  • Families: We will have a staffed Nursery and Toddlers room. PreK and 252 will be joining their families for this Generations Sunday!

Everyone struggles with fear of some sort. It could be about the uncertainty of the future, a current health concern, a conversation that needs to be had, an unsettled relationship – opportunities to fear are everywhere. But where does that fear really come from?

If we think about it, all fear is really rooted in death. Death feels like such an end – a dire separation and a goodbye to our dreams, our hopes, and our joy.

So on Easter, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we’re reminded that death doesn’t get the last word. With Jesus, life occurs after death – which means the fear of permanent loss has lost its sting! And that’s how the Resurrection frees us to confidently live with no fear.

AnnouncementsDan Smith