Good Friday gathering

Good Friday 2021.png

Fri. 4/2, 7 p.m.
Auditorium & 252 Room

As we prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus' resurrection on Easter, we're gathering on Good Friday to remember His crucifixion. (Note: The churches we've been with for past Good Fridays decided unanimously that we'd pause gathering together again this year and resume next year, Lord willing.)

Please know this year's Good Friday gathering will have a very different flavor – more reflective, considering the suffering and sorrow of Christ and how that relates to our own. We'll have an unstaffed nursery available, and the 252 Room will be an area where families with children can allow them to move around as needed.

For more on the power and beauty of lament, see this article from Preaching Today (article is now preview only…here’s a short video that captures many of the key highlights).