Romans 6:15-23
Consider the biblical meaning of “righteousness” by watching this BibleProject video.
Copy Romans 6:22 on a card. Read it every morning and evening until you know this precious promise by heart.
Listen to Build My Life. Ask God for ways you can demonstrate he is your firm foundation with those he leads you to this week.
Write out Romans 6:23 in your own words. How will you share this truth through your words or actions this week?
True or false: “There are no free agents. We’re either a slave to sin, impurity, and lawlessness or to obedience, righteousness, and God.” Discuss.
Based on choices you’re making, what master do you seem to be serving the most? Where is that going to lead? Share with a friend what’s working, what needs to change, and how “the free gift of God” can motivate that change in you.