May 19 - Real Life That Lasts

Romans 6:15-23


  • Consider the biblical meaning of “righteousness” by watching this BibleProject video.

  • Copy Romans 6:22 on a card. Read it every morning and evening until you know this precious promise by heart.


  • Listen to Build My Life. Ask God for ways you can demonstrate he is your firm foundation with those he leads you to this week.

  • Write out Romans 6:23 in your own words. How will you share this truth through your words or actions this week?


  • True or false: “There are no free agents. We’re either a slave to sin, impurity, and lawlessness or to obedience, righteousness, and God.” Discuss.

  • Based on choices you’re making, what master do you seem to be serving the most? Where is that going to lead? Share with a friend what’s working, what needs to change, and how “the free gift of God” can motivate that change in you.

Dan Smith
May 12 - Freed for Life

Romans 6:1-14


  • Have you been united with Christ through faith? Have you identified with him through believer’s baptism? If not, these are great first steps into a growing relationship with him! (To find out more, simply use the ConnectCard to let us know you’d like to talk to someone about this.)

  • Consider the meaning of baptism in the Bible by reading this article.

  • Watch the video “Free from Sin” for another perspective on Romans 6.


  • Romans 6:5-7 explains how we are set free from sin. What’s one specific way you can live out this freedom in the way you treat others this week?

  • Listen to Death Was Arrested several times. Then tell someone about what new life in Christ means to you personally.


  • Discuss this claim: “Grace doesn’t provide a license to sin but a power and freedom not to.” What does that practically look like in our lives?

  • Consider Romans 6:12-13. Is something mastering you? Confess this to a close friend.

Dan Smith
May 5 - Justification & Life

Romans 5:12-21



  • Romans 5:20 tells us “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” Consider one (even small) way you could extend grace to another person this week, even someone who has sinned against you. What impact could that have?

  • Write out Romans 5:15 in your own words. Then share with another person what this passage is saying and why it matters to you.


  • How can what we learned today about God’s free gift of grace help us mature in our faith?

  • Listen to O Come to the Altar several times. Journal how this song helps you appreciate the free gift of righteous-ness that comes from Christ alone.

Dan Smith
April 28 - Peace & Hope (Part 2)

Romans 5:1-11

Think it out

  • Check out these word study videos on biblical Hope and Peace.

  • Go deeper: watch the Romans 5:1-11 video in this series by J.D. Greear (If you haven’t yet signed up for your FREE RightNow Media account, text npberean to 49775).

Talk it out

  • What would it take for you to willingly lay down your life for another? How does this make Christ’s sacrifice even more precious?

  • Share examples of God’s wrath in the Bible (see here for examples of the same Greek word that Paul uses in Rom. 5:9). In this light, what does being “saved by [Christ] from the wrath of God” mean in this week’s passage?

Live it out

  • Christ reconciled us to God while we were still sinners. How could you move toward reconciliation with someone who has sinned against you?

  • As you listen to Yet Not I but through Christ in Me, make a list of ways you are blessed by Christ. How can you share this blessing with others this week?

Dan Smith