May 12 - Freed for Life

Romans 6:1-14


  • Have you been united with Christ through faith? Have you identified with him through believer’s baptism? If not, these are great first steps into a growing relationship with him! (To find out more, simply use the ConnectCard to let us know you’d like to talk to someone about this.)

  • Consider the meaning of baptism in the Bible by reading this article.

  • Watch the video “Free from Sin” for another perspective on Romans 6.


  • Romans 6:5-7 explains how we are set free from sin. What’s one specific way you can live out this freedom in the way you treat others this week?

  • Listen to Death Was Arrested several times. Then tell someone about what new life in Christ means to you personally.


  • Discuss this claim: “Grace doesn’t provide a license to sin but a power and freedom not to.” What does that practically look like in our lives?

  • Consider Romans 6:12-13. Is something mastering you? Confess this to a close friend.

Dan Smith