March 17 - But Now...

Romans 3:21-26

Think it out

  • Check out this article for a deeper explanation of Justification.

  • Reread the passage, noting repeated words. Why is it vital for believers to understand how righteousness and justification are linked?

Talk it out

  • How is God’s righteous character displayed at the cross?

  • Read verses 25 & 26 in the New Living Translation.  Why was his blood sacrifice necessary?

Live it out

  • Praise God daily for redeeming you from sin. Ask God for opportunities to share how this gift has changed your life.

  • When tempted to claim righteousness by what you do, listen to “Nothing but the Blood.”

Dan Smith
March 10 - Bad News First

Romans 3:9-20

Think it out

  • How has sin caused destruction in your life?

  • To look more into the Biblical understanding of  sin, watch this video.

Talk it out

  • Do you agree it is impossible to keep God’s law perfectly? Then how can we possibly have a righteous life?

  • How do you see universal sin playing out in the world around you right now?

Live it out

  • Listen to “Son of Suffering” this week. Celebrate all the ways Christ’s amazing sacrifice gives you hope in the midst of sin.

  • Who in your life is breaking down in sin? How can you acknowledge their “bad news first” but also share the good news of Jesus with them?

Dan Smith
March 3 - Can God Be Trusted?

Romans 2:17-29

Think it out

  • Need a refresh of the big picture of Romans? Watch this video.

  • Why was being entrusted with the “oracles of God” so special? Check out this article.

Talk it out

  • Why does it matter that God is both faithful to his covenants and righteous in his judgments?

  • Can God be trusted? How does your answer to this question impact your own faithfulness?

Live it out

  • Listen to “Promises” repeatedly this week. List all the ways God has been faithful to you.

  • Who in your life needs encouragement? Make time this week to share how God’s faithfulness empowers you to live with hope.

Dan Smith
Feb. 25 - What's Inside?

Romans 2:17-29

Think it out

  • For context, immerse yourself in the text by taking 5 minutes to listen to Romans 2 (if you aren’t yet set up for your FREE account on RightNow Media, test npberean to 49775)

  • When we do not fully practice what we preach, is this hypocrisy or disobedience or both?

Talk it out

  • What outward signs are a clear indication of inward transformation? Why?

  • In areas of our lives that we want the Spirit to change, what do we do if nothing seems to be changing?

Live it out

  • Identify a way your outer behavior does not match your inner convictions. Honestly share this with someone who can help you seek alignment.

  • Pray the chorus of “From the Inside Out.” Make it your continual heart cry this week.

Dan Smith