North Platte Berean Church

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September 1 - God's Enduring Invitation

Romans 10:14-21

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  • To remember the context for this passage, watch this video:

  • Look up the word “believe” in a dictionary. Which definition best fits its use in this passage? Why?

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  • Write out v.14-15 in your own words. Whose “beautiful feet” preached the good news to you? How does this encourage you to do the same for others?

  • Consider one person you know who does not yet believe. Ask the Lord for an opportunity to share the “good news” with them this week.

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  • What keeps us from sharing the good news with those in our lives who don’t know Jesus?

  • How does God’s posture towards us (v.21) both encourage and convict us?

  • Explore Romans 11:1-10 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.