August 25 - One Word The Enemy Hates

John 17:20-23


  • To further consider intimacy with God and ways to pursue it, check out this article.

  • Copy John 10:10 on a card or set it as your phone background. Use it this week to be aware of the enemy’s schemes, also to refocus back on living life Jesus’ way.


  • What helps you to maintain your “awe” of God? Consider how you might share that with someone today, then actually do it!

  • What practical step can you take this week to pursue intimacy in your marriage and/or with community?


  • What does it really mean to have abundant life (John 10:10)? Why is spiritual oneness or intimacy with God critical to an abundant life?

  • Read John 17:20-23 again. How can the way we display “oneness” with God help/hinder our example to the watching world?\

  • Explore Romans 10:41-21 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith