August 18 - God's Gracious Gift

Romans 10:1-13


  • Consider further the biblical meaning of righteouness by watching this BibleProject Video.

  • Copy Rom. 10:9-10 on a card or set it as your phone background. Read it every morning and night, until you know it by heart.


  • Ask the Lord for a chance to share this gospel with ________ this week. (Need guidance? Check out this resource.

  • Write out Rom. 10:12-13, personalizing the comparison in v.12 to your life. How can this truth change how you see and value yourself and others this week?


  • Why do we so easily distort the idea of righteousness or where it comes from? What can we do to maintain a right perspective of it this week?

  • Listen to Firm Foundation this week. Then journal how this song can help you to rightly view God’s gracious gift to you.

Dan Smith