Oct. 29 - Seriously? Suffering?! (1 Pet. 3:8-22)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What are 2 blessings you're enjoying in your life right now?

A way to pray: Pray for each other to handle suffering in a hopeful way. Ask God to use our hope-filled lives to help draw 2000 people by 2022 into a growing relationship with Him.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: How is suffering a pathway to blessing?
  • Being Transformed: What would cause people around us to ask for a reason for our hope? What step can I take right now to move my life in that direction?
  • Loving Others: How did Jesus avoid repaying "evil for evil or reviling for reviling"? (See also 1 Peter 2:21-25.) How does He help us do the same?
  • Pursuing Unity: How does suffering help Christians grow in loving each other as brothers and sisters? What might this look like practically?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Oct. 22 - Marital Mission (1 Pet. 3:1-7)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What's one thing that makes for a good marriage?

A way to pray: Pray for growth and protection for each other's marriages (past/present/future, as applicable) and for other marriages in our spheres of influence.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: How does our relationship with Jesus affect our view of marriage and how we relate to our spouses?
  • Being Transformed: What do "a gentle and quiet spirit," "showing honor," and living "in an understanding way" look like practically?
  • Loving Others: How can our marriages tell the good news of Jesus to those around us (our kids, friends, families, and community)?
  • Pursuing Unity: How does godly submission increase unity in marriage? How does it increase unity in the church?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Oct. 15 - Subjection Suffering (1 Pet. 2:13-25)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: Who is the best boss you've had (or any other person whose leadership you've really appreciated)? What was it that made you appreciate them?

A way to pray: Pray for the suffering people you know. Ask God to make His love and presence felt even more fully in each of those lives as they return to Him as their Shepherd and Overseer.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: How does our love for the Lord help us submit appropriately to authority?
  • Being Transformed: When can submission be a challenge? What would God-honoring submission look like in those situations?
  • Loving Others: Who is someone God wants me to love the way Jesus has loved me? What will that look like practically this week?
  • Pursuing Unity: What are some specific ways we can support each other as Christians when we suffer unjustly?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Oct. 8 - Living the Dream (1 Pet. 2:1-12)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What is your favorite taste (food, beverage, flavoring, etc.)?

A way to pray: Pray that we would continue to grow in knowing and showing God's goodness through our thoughts, words, and actions.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: How does this week’s passage help me “taste” that the Lord is good?
  • Being Transformed: How can we proclaim God’s excellencies using our words and our actions? What step will I take this week?
  • Loving Others: Why is it an act of love toward unbelievers when we keep our conduct honorable among them?
  • Pursuing Unity: What does it mean practically for us to be built up as a spiritual house and a holy priesthood? What part do I play?
Grow GroupsDan Smith