Posts in Grow Groups
Mar. 12 - Reversing the Cycle (Neh. 9)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What's one act of kindness you could do for someone in the coming week?

A way to pray: Pray for individuals in our lives who have never repented of their sin and turned to God, who need to be part of the 2000 people we want to see baptized and connected to Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community by 2022. Pray that we would have opportunities to share God's kindness with them, and that he would let this lead them to repentance.

For discussion:

  • How have I seen the sin cycle play out practically – in the Bible, other historical situations, and/or my own life?
  • How does God’s kindness lead us to repentance?
  • How does God’s forgiveness empower us to love others? What does it look like to live this out practically?
  • What is the difference between godly and worldly sorrow? between true and false repentance?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Mar. 5 - Marks of Health (Neh. 8)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: When have I enjoyed reading or listening to God's Word? When have I found it difficult?

A way to pray: Pray for the people in our lives who aren't yet part of a Grow Group and those who aren't yet part of God's family. Ask God that these would be part of the 2000 people we're seeking to see baptized and connected to Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community by 2022.

For discussion:

  • What do we gain by hearing and studying God's Word in community, not just individually? That is, what does pursuing God in community offer that pursuing him individually doesn't?
  • Who in my life needs to know about the invitation to Christian community (either because they're not yet part of a Grow Group, or because they're not yet part of God's family)? How can I extend this invitation to them?
  • Why would we rejoice instead of grieve when God's Word reveals sin in our lives? And why does this turn us away from sin, not just give us permission to go on sinning? (See also Romans 2:4, 5:20-6:23.)
  • What has God's Word called me to, that I've been unwilling to submit myself to? What step of obedience will I take this week?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Feb. 26 - Scheme Spotting (Neh. 6)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What's something you're looking forward to in the next month or so?

A way to pray: Pray for each other to stay focused on God's work and not give in to distraction, fear, or division. Continue to pray for NPBC's "great work" of seeing 2000 people baptized and connected to Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community by 2022.

For discussion:

  • How does a relationship with Jesus help us recognize and overcome the enemy's schemes?
  • What is the "great work" God has for his people today?
  • Why are distraction, fear, and division such effective ways for the enemy to disrupt the work God wants to do in and through us?
  • What are some of the most common distractions, fears, and divisions I deal with? How do I stay focused on God's work in these situations?
Grow GroupsDan Smith
Feb. 19 - Unity Killer (Neh. 5)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you. Icebreaker idea: What's something others can do for you that makes you feel cared for? What's something you enjoy doing for others to make them feel cared for?

A way to pray: Pray for the overlooked, marginalized, exploited people in our lives. Pray that we would see them and engage them as we seek to see 2000 people baptized and connected to Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community by 2022.

For discussion:

  • What kinds of people tend to be overlooked, marginalized, and exploited in our culture today?
  • What are some areas in my life where I've struggled with being self-interested? How have I seen this hurt others?
  • Why is self-sacrifice better than self-interest? How does Nehemiah's self-sacrifice make us think of Jesus? (See also Philippians 2:1-11.)
  • What are some practical ways I can sacrifice for others in my life and in our world right now?
Grow GroupsDan Smith