May 13 - Selfish Siblings (1 Cor. 8:1-13)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: Share about a time when someone you know did something selfless.
A way to pray: Pray for selflessness and unity in our church family. Ask the Father to make us the kind of family that is warm and welcoming for the 2,000 people we're seeking to lead into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by 2022.

Talk It Over:

  • Treasuring God: What are some ways Jesus has shown Himself to be the true selfless sibling we need? (See also Phil. 2:1-11; Jn. 13:1-17; Mk. 10:42-45.)
  • Being Transformed: What is one way I have experienced being puffed up by "knowledge"? What would a love that builds up look like in that situation?
  • Loving Others: What might it look like practically to love others with an "I'll lose so you can win" attitude? What is one step I can take right now?
  • Pursuing Unity: What are some things 1 Corinthians 8 says will lead to division? What does it say will lead to unity? What is my next step?
Grow GroupsDan Smith