Feb. 25 - Pray (Mt. 6:5-15)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: What is one thing that you are eager to see restored when God's kingdom comes and everything is finally put right ("on earth as it is in heaven")?
A way to pray: Practice using the Lord's Prayer to guide your prayer time at least once a day this week. What difference(s) do you notice?

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: What is different about our prayers when God is our top priority? What do my prayers show that I especially value?
  • Being Transformed: What are a couple things I'd like to change about my prayer life? What's a step I can take right now?
  • Loving Others: Who is someone I can love by forgiving them completely and generously (the way God has forgiven me)?
  • Pursuing Unity: How does showy prayer separate us from each other and from God? How does humble prayer draw us closer?
Grow GroupsDan Smith