Apr. 15 - Worldly Wisdom (1 Cor. 1:18-25)

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: Who is someone you think of as wise? What's one wise idea, piece of advice, practical tip, etc. that you've appreciated from them?
A way to pray: Pray for an increased reliance on God and not on our own wisdom, especially as we seek to see Him use us to reach 2,000 people by 2022, leading them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

For discussion:

  • Treasuring God: What are some specific ways I have seen that God's wisdom is wiser than the world's wisdom?
  • Being Transformed: When have I been tempted to trust my own perspective more than God's? How can we resist this temptation?
  • Loving Others: What does the wisdom of the cross teach us about what it means to love others? How does the cross give us the power to love?
  • Pursuing Unity: What are some practical examples of how focusing on our own wisdom leads to division? How can focusing on the cross instead lead to unity?
Grow GroupsDan Smith