Jan. 29 - Faith Facts

Hebrews 11:23-40

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.

Icebreaker idea

Who is a faith-filled person in scripture, or in life today, that has really inspired/impacted my faith?

Talk it over

  • What was one thing from this week’s sermon that impacted/challenged me?

  • Treasuring God: How does what I believe about God connect to how I live out my faith? How is this reality present in my personal life today?

  • Being Transformed: What do I need the Lord to begin to change within me so that I can develop the kind of faith we read about in this passage?

  • Loving Others: Is there a person or situation that I need to move towards currently, in faith, even if it might look/feel weird? (Because you said so I will…)

  • Pursuing Unity: What is one step we can take together to help each other grow in faith this week?

A way to pray

Encourage a time of open prayer where everyone participates using the “Heart Cries.” (God move, have mercy, help or thanks! )

Maybe it’s, “God move in my heart so my faith is stronger than my fear of _____. Or “God, have mercy on me when I don’t believe you are worth trusting. Or, God help me to know how to move towards _____, even if it feels/looks weird. Or maybe, “God, thank you for loving and pursuing me, even when I fail to have faith in you.

Grow GroupsDan Smith2022-23