Sept. 4 - 10 Questions to ask when dealing with Conflict

James 4:1-5

First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.

Icebreaker idea: Share about a situation where you observed conflict being handled well. What did you learn from that?

A way to pray: Pray for one another regarding specific situations where conflict is going on, needs to be addressed, and dealt with in a godly way. Pray for our group, grow groups, and the church as a whole, that we would deal with conflict in such a way that it reflects Christ and points those involved and those “looking on” towards Jesus.

Talk It Over:

  • Which of the six coping responses mentioned do you most often turn to in conflict?

  • Treasuring God: In what ways is how we handle conflict connected to how we treasure God?

  • Being Transformed: What areas of my life can I identify that I need God’s transforming power to help me handle conflict well?

  • Loving Others: Where do I currently have opportunity to display Christ’s love by how I handle conflict?

  • Pursuing Unity: What steps can I take to encourage right response to conflict resolution with the people in my life?