Grow Group Questions // March 20, 2022

Jesus Christ Is Enough // Take Care! (Heb. 3:7-19)


Christianity has a long history of being misunderstood, even by Christians! It's all too easy to make it about Jesus PLUS something (good works, moral living, religious activities, emotional experience…). But the book of Hebrews claims that when we add anything to Jesus, we're actually subtracting. It holds up Jesus Christ – fully God, fully human – as the promised Deliverer. The One who alone saves us from our sinfulness and restores our relationships with God, others, and creation. Its message, the message of Christianity, is really quite simple: Jesus Christ is enough!

Ice Breaker Questions

Here are some possible ways to get a conversation started:

  1. Who is the most famous person you have met?

  2. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Getting Started

1. Open up with some prayer – some possible prayer topics:

  • God would lead your time of discussion.

  • That this study would help our understanding of who God is and who we are in light of that.

  • Pray for your GG, that God would bring unity and community in your group.

  • We would see Jesus as the author of Hebrews describes Him.

2. Read Hebrews 3:7-19

Discussion Questions

  1. We all have ups and downs in our walk with the Lord. What does it look like for you to be thriving in your relationship with the Lord? What does it look like when your relationship with the Lord is struggling?

  2. When we give into sin our hearts start to become hard toward the Lord. What are some things you do to soften your heart toward the Lord? How are you doing at keeping those practices?

  3. Multiple times throughout this passage it talks about entering the rest of the Lord. What do you think that means? How do we enter the rest of the Lord? What steps can each one of us take in holding to this amidst our busy lives?

  4. We also see a consistent theme of exhorting and encouraging one another to keep each other from a hardening heart? How do you feel about being vulnerable with those in this group? Do you feel like you are able? If someone in the group sees you struggling, would you want us to approach you about it? How would you like to see that happen?

  5. Are there ways you are hardening your heart toward the Lord today? Is there sin you are hiding? An unwillingness to take a step you are being called to? Or maybe a hard situation that is causing anger or frustration toward God?

Closing Prayer

Prayer can often be somewhat of a weird time, and we understand it can be awkward to pray out loud, but as your group grows in comfortability ask people to pray out loud. Prayer is a very effective tool the Holy Spirit uses to draw our hearts closer to God. It is also a time you as a group can come together and come before the throne of God and make requests and just experience Him.

Some suggestions:

  • Ask if there are any prayer requests.

  • Pray that Jesus would use the week to reaffirm the truths discussed here.

  • Pray for a new/renewed understanding of who Jesus is.

Personal Spiritual Practice

This section is for anyone that wants some practical steps to try throughout their week. They are not required, but maybe a great way to reinforce what has been discussed during group. Maybe this could even be a way to check in either during the week or the next time you meet as a group.

  1. Life Reflection: Each evening this week take some time to reflect on your behavior during the day—at work, during leisure time, at the store, at sports events, and even driving. Ask yourself if by your actions people would believe you are a follower of Jesus and find your message credible. If not, what changes do you need to make?


    2. Quiet Time: One of the ways Hebrews helps in keeping our hearts toward Christ is considering Jesus. Take 10-15+ minutes to consider all that Jesus has and is doing in your life. Here is your time to just focus on all that Christ has and is doing for you!

Next Week’s Passage: Romans 1:21-26

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