Grow Group Questions // November 14th, 2021

Habits of Grace//Belong To His Body (Community)


Do you want more grace in your life? Things like kindness, beauty, generosity, forgiveness? Author David Mathis explains that tapping into grace is like getting a refreshing drink of water. We can turn on the faucet, but we’re not the source of the water. Similarly, God has designed rhythms and habits of life that can connect us to the flow of His grace, but we’re not the source of the grace.

In Mathis's (very readable!) book “Habits of Grace,” he groups these practices/disciplines into three categories: Hear His Voice (Word), Have His Ear (prayer) and Belong to His Body (fellowship, or community). This week we will be exploring Belong To His Body (Community)

To get the most out of your group time, we invite you to look over the questions below and write your thoughts down before you meet with your group.

Ice Breaker Questions

Here are some possible ways to get a conversation started:

  1. What is your favorite element of a Thanksgiving meal?

  2. When is the appropriate time to decorate for Christmas?

Getting Started

Open up with some prayer – some possible prayer topics:

  • God would lead your time of discussion.

  • That this study would help our understanding of who God is and who we are in light of that.

  • Pray for your GG, that God would bring unity and community in your group

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would use each person in the group to help grow and encourage one another to Christ

Discussion Questions

  1. We are surrounded by a culture that does not like criticism and cries out against judgment, why do you think that is? What does Scripture say about hypocritical judgment (Matt. 7:1-6)? Later on, in the passage chapter Scripture calls us to be discerning. What is the difference between Biblically correcting and hypocritical judgment?

  2. What is your immediate reaction when someone calls out sin in your life? (Anger, sadness, justification, shame, etc.) What do you think you could do to help be more receptive of correction?

  3. All sin is a declaration of rebellion against God and His Kingdom as we attempt to establish our own kingdom. Read Romans 6:15-23. What are the consequences for allowing sin to continue? In light of that truth does that change how we should view criticism? Why do you think we talked about criticism as a “Means of Grace”?

  4. Often when people bring a rebuke to someone there are a lot of missteps in giving that rebuke. Read James 5:16 & Mt 7:12. What should be the first step before bringing any rebuke? Read Mt 18:15-20. What should the process look like? Read Gal. 6:2. How should you continue to walk with that person?

  5. Read 2 Tim. 3:16-17. What should be our basis for any rebuke we give someone? How do we make sure our heart and standards align with God’s heart for someone? How do we as a Grow Group help one another grow?

  6. Knowing that the church acts like a body (1 Cor. 12:12-31) and serves different roles, how is that helpful to our growth as believers? Does our group feel like a safe place to confess sin/offer a Biblical rebuke? If no, why not? Do we do that well as a group?

Closing Prayer

Prayer can often be somewhat of a weird time, and we understand it can be awkward to pray out loud, but as your group grows in comfortability ask people to pray out loud. Prayer is a very effective tool the Holy Spirit uses to draw our hearts closer to God. It is also a time you as a group can come together and come before the throne of God and make requests and just experience Him.

Some suggestions:

  • Ask if there are any prayer requests.

  • Pray that Jesus would use the week to reaffirm the truths discussed here.

  • Pray you would be a group that cares about the spiritual state of our people

Personal Spiritual Practice

This section is for anyone that wants some practical steps to try throughout their week. they are not required, but maybe a great way to reinforce what has been discussed during group. Maybe this could even be a way to check in either during the week or the next time you meet as a group.

Be Vulnerable: Take some time and ask either your spouse, a close friend, a mentor or even someone you trust to be honest about some areas they think you can grow. It can be hard to accept criticism but is also vital to our spiritual growth. I would suggest praying for protection from your flesh that can want to become defensive and protect itself.

Pray For Others: Pray for where God wants to use your strengths in your community. How has he wired you, given you specific life experience, or given you specific gifts/training to help your community grow. God has you in the community you are in for a reason, pray that God would reveal that.

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