Apr. 5 - Jesus Christ, Immanuel (Mt. 1:18-25)

Keep growing in your relationship with Jesus: Take the message with you into your week. Reflect on the Bible passage and sermon (posts Sun. afternoon), then use the ideas below to help you talk it over with your friends, coworkers, family, or Grow Group.

Icebreaker idea: Who’s someone you miss right now and why?

A way to pray: Ask the Lord to grow our appreciation for each of the 3 names – Jesus, Christ, and Immanuel. Pray for an increased desire to share about Him through our words and through how we endure hardship and forgive others, as we seek to see 2,000 people by 2022 baptized and growing in relationship with Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community.

Talk It Over:

  • When God’s Son was born on Earth, He was called Jesus, Christ, and Immanuel. How does understanding the meaning of each name reshape how I respond to difficulties or mistreatment, and/or how I talk with others about Him?

  • Does everyone long for “God with us”? Why or why not? What hinders me from deeply and consistently longing for God to be with me? What are some specific changes I can make to increase this longing both for myself and for others?

Grow GroupsDan Smith