Jan. 19 - Shame-less Suffering (2 Tm. 1:8-18)
We invite you to ponder the week’s Bible passage and listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon), then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: What’s something you enjoy (a favorite restaurant, band or song, book or author, etc.) that it’s easy for you to talk about with others?
A way to pray: Pray for boldness to suffer for the gospel (esp. in the areas that come up through the group discussion below) as we seek to see 2,000 people by 2022 baptized and growing in relationship with Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community.
Talk It Over:
Treasuring God: In what ways does our willingness (or unwillingness) to suffer for the gospel demonstrate how much we truly treasure God?
Being Transformed: In what situations is it hard for me to share boldly about the Lord? What needs to change for me to be courageous and unashamed?
Loving Others: What are some ways that our fear of sharing the gospel can translate into a failure to love others well?
Pursuing Unity: How well do I balance guarding the content of the gospel with preserving unity? What makes a “hill” worth “dying on”?