Apr. 28 - Treasuring God (Ps. 115:1-11)
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: What are "a few of my favorite things" (e.g. people, places, possessions)? Why are these so special to me?
A way to pray: Pray for one another to have clarity in identifying what we tend to idolize, and to keep those things in their proper place. Ask the Lord that as we grow in keeping him at the center of our lives, He would use this to draw people to Himself, as we seek to see 2,000 people by 2022 baptized and growing in relationship with Jesus through the Word, prayer, and community.
Talk It Over:
Treasuring God: In what ways do I treasure idols (such as power, control, approval, comfort)? How will my life look different when God is my first love?
Being Transformed: When am I tempted to give glory to humans (family, leaders, celebrities)? What needs to change for me to give glory to God alone?
Loving Others: Where does my life show a lack of trust in God? How does this damage my ability to love others as He calls me to?
Pursuing Unity: Have I idolized people, methods, or traditions in the church? How can this damage unity as a body of believers?