How has God shaped you?

Every person is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) and has been uniquely gifted (1 Corinthians 12). When you share your time and talents, you experience the joy of seeing God work firsthand through your efforts, and you open the door to friendships with others who share your gifts and passions. So where do you fit into the mission of “leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ?”

“Attend One, Serve One”

We encourage you to attend one Sunday gathering and participate in one service opportunity each week – a vital part of “leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ” is serving them!

Time commitment?

Commitments vary anywhere from a few times a year to a few times each week. Try out a role by “shadowing” in an area. Those who find their “fit” typically stick with that role for a year. Then they either choose to continue another year or take a break to serve God in another way.

More info?

See an area or team that interests you? Have questions or ideas about how to best use your time or talents? Click here to tell us more. We’ll be in touch to fill in the details you need.

What makes you special?

Check out these ways we currently serve one another. See something interesting? Click here to request more info.

Information request

See an area or team that interests you? Find out more about how you can make a difference!