Spend regular time reading the Bible
How to Read the Bible video series by BibleProject shows how to read the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.
BibleProject app teaches us how to be better Bible readers as we read the Bible.
Read Scripture app explains difficult Bible concepts using illustrated videos that introduce a simple reading plan.
“The Best Bible Reading Plan for Beginners” (a.k.a. New Disciple Challenge) – commit just 15 to 20 minutes daily to a simple way to read the Bible (video or article).
The Bible Recap offers helpful videos, prayer ideas, and more to help you read the story of Scripture as the events occurred (chronologically) – whole Bible in a year or New Testament in 3 months.
Walk through the big story of the Bible together with someone else, using the simple Creation to Christ Discovery plan (also available as a printable bookmark).
Use the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) as a guide (see Prayer 101 sermon series).
Pray the Bible / pray through the Psalms – watch an explanation from Don Whitney here (shorter version here), then check out the Five Psalms app or the Psalms of the Day printable PDF.
Free prayer apps help keep track of your prayers, remind you to pray, and let you share with others. Try: Echo Prayer or PrayerMate.
Work through The Battle Plan for Prayer (Kendrick) study in your Grow Group (8 sessions).