Easter Prayer Special Edition re: COVID-19

Mar. 13

Prayer Friends – in a beautiful act of God’s sovereignty, He has assembled all of us to be praying before this pandemic struck our nation in the significant way we've witnessed in the past week.

We're going to “pivot” our Easter Prayer Initiative and send this out to you today in the hope that you will either add these requests to your Easter praying or pray these in lieu of Easter for the time being. In any moment, our first source of help is the Lord and let’s cry out to Him who can still storms, heal the sick, restore senses, and raise from the dead!

Here are some requests we’re asking you to pray through as often as you can:

  • Pray first for God’s glory to be seen as this situation unfolds. 

  • Pray for God’s power to halt the spread of COVID-19 worldwide. Obviously we think about our own community in NP, but let’s ask Him to mercifully contain it worldwide.

  • Ultimately, however, pray for God’s will to be done perfectly on earth as it is in heaven. While we’d like it to halt immediately, God’s will is perfect and what we really need in this moment.

  • Pray for God’s wisdom for our leaders, healthcare workers, and those making decisions which will impact many.

  • Pray for God’s heart to be manifested in each of us that we will not fear, but rather love the vulnerable, honor those in danger, and exude confidence and the fruit of the Spirit.

For more information about our church's response/preparedness actions, visit our COVID-19 page.


Want to review previous weeks’ prompts? Return to our main Easter Prayer Initiative page.