Dec. 17 - The Gifts of the Cross

Revelation 5:1-14

Think it out

  • Consider Christ’s costly sacrifice by watching this video: this video

  • How, specifically, has Christ redeemed your life with His own blood? 

Talk it out

  • Why do things in this life captivate us more than the prospect of ruling with Christ?

  • Do I respond to Jesus by living a life of worship? What might this look like daily?

Live it out

  • Write a thank you note to Jesus for being both the Lion and the Lamb in your life.

  • Remind yourself of God’s greatness by listening to. “Is He Worthy” this week.

Dan Smith
Dec. 10 - The Gifts of the Cradle

Matthew 1:18-23, Hebrews 4:14-16

Think it out

  • Watch this video.How did Jesus change the way God is “with us”?

  • Read Matthew 4:1-11. How did the temptations Jesus endured help him to relate to us?

Talk it out

  • What emotions stir within you as you think about God coming to be with YOU personally?

  • Why do we hesitate to draw near to God, if he truly “gets us”? How does this look in your life?

Live it out

  • Listen to “O Come, O come Emmanuel” this week and rejoice that God is with us.

  • God is for us! What’s one new way you can draw nearer to God this week?

Dan Smith
Dec. 3 - The Gifts of Creation

Psalm 8

Think it out

  • Watch this video to better understand the book of Psalms. Then reread Psalm 8.

  • What in God’s creation leaves you in awe? How can recognizing God’s glory help you feel more secure?

Talk it out

  • What do you naturally look to for significance? Why do you think that is?

  • How would believing you are created in God’s Image change the way you view your own significance?

Live it out

  • God gifted us for stewardship. What one thing can you do this week to help another person flourish?

  • Marvel in God’s majesty every morning by listening to “All Hail King Jesus”.

Dan Smith