September 22 - Be a Comforter

Job 2:11-13, 42:7-8


  • To gain context for this passage, watch this overview VIDEO of Job.

  • For additional ideas on how to help a suffering friend, read this article.


  • Today’s sermon encourages us to comfort those who are suffering. Who in your life is suffering right now? Consider how you can comfort them well this week? Then do it!

  • Listen to “His Glory and My Good” with a suffering friend to encourage them to look to the Lord who is always trustworthy.


  • Consider times that you have avoided those who are suffering. Why do we do that? Why is it so important to show up in these times?

  • Discuss how considering the following questions before you speak to someone in pain help you to be a better friend.(Will my words build up/tear down? Am I addressing the need at this moment? Are my words truthful and full of grace?)

  • Explore Job 2:11-13 and 42:7-8 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith