March 24 - Believe & Receive - Not Achieve

Romans 3:27-4:25

Note: We’re evaluating whether or not to continue including this new Beyond Sunday section in the bulletin. If you’ve found it useful and would like us to keep it (and/or if you have ideas to make it better), please let us know at

Think it out

  • How could you share the joy of being justified (declared “not guilty) with someone who has never encountered Jesus?

  • For more on the life of Abraham from Genesis, check out this video.

Talk it out

  • What are some ways we try to achieve righteousness instead of receiving it by faith?

  • Why do we often put our faith in something other than God? What is the outcome of misplaced faith?

Live it out

  • Romans 4:7-8 is a quote from Psalm 32. Read this psalm aloud, one line at a time, personalizing it to your life.

  • Who in your life struggles to have faith? Use truths from this message to encourage them this week.

Dan Smith