November 10 - Childlike Humility

Matthew 18:1-6


  • Check out this article to better understand how children were viewed in Jesus’ time.

  • Read this article and consider these 10 different examples of childlike humility throughout scripture.


  • Today’s passage urges us to humble ourselves like children. In what area of life is the Lord asking you to have childlike humility this week?

  • In what practical way can you stand for those facing abuse, abandonment, neglect, in our community?


  • What makes Jesus’ view on greatness so radical? How can we maintain childlike humility in our day-to-day lives?

  • Do you view children as a blessing or a burden? How do they bless your life? How can you be a blessing to them?

  • Explore Luke 12:13-21 together to prepare for next week’s sermon.

Dan Smith