June 23 - From Groaning to Glory
Romans 8:18-30
Look up the word “glory” in a dictionary. Which definition best fits the way it’s used in this passage? Why? (For an outline of biblical usage, see here.)
What does it mean to be “called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28-29)? Check out this explanation from GotQuestions.org.
Who do you know who’s suffering right now? How can Romans 8:26-27 help you better pray for them this week? As you pray, ask the Spirit to intercede on their behalf.
Listen to the song Firm Foundation. Share specific ways God has been your firm foundation with someone who needs your encouragement this week.
Discuss ways we add to creation’s “groaning” (Rom. 8:20-22). What do we need to do differently?
Do you believe God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long-range good (Rom. 8:28-30)? Discuss how this can be true even in desperate situations.