Sept. 11 - Word: Reading & Memorization
Matthew 4:1-11
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: Share about someone in your life who has a sincere love and knowledge of Scripture. How do you see that impacting how they live their life?
A way to pray: Pray for one another regarding how we view and value God’s word. Ask God for a strengthened hunger and right understanding of His Word among Grow Groups, and the body of believers at Berean.
What was one thing you heard in the sermon that really has stuck with/challenged you?
Treasuring God: What’s a Bible verse you’ve memorized (or would like to) that could be useful in times of difficulty? What do you appreciate about this verse?
Being Transformed: What are 1-3 things that you desire to change about your Bible reading or memorization? Why?
Loving Others: How can we allow God’s Word to influence our care for others? What opportunities do you have to do that this week?
Pursuing Unity: How can our group help each other to grow in handling the Bible well and in memorizing helpful passages? What would supporting each other look like practically?