Oct. 23 - Why are we so tired?
Galatians 6:6-10
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon). Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
What is something you’ve done as a result of being overly tired/exhausted? Or what is something you tend to do when you are really tired that you don’t when you are well rested?
What was one thing I heard in this week’s sermon that has impacted/challenged me?
Treasuring God: What is a truth about God that leads me to want to honor him more in how I am living my life?
Being Transformed: What is something as a result of this passage, that I desire for the Lord to be working on within me?
Loving Others: What might it look like tangibly for me to “do good” to those in my life this week, who don’t yet have faith in Jesus?
Pursuing Unity: How can we practically serve one another, as believers, in doing good?
Pray for one another, that we would we would NOT become weary in doing good, rather that we would seek to do good to ALL people. Ask the Lord for awareness and willingness to see opportunities around us and engage them, both with “outsiders” and “insiders.” Pray that we would be a church filled with individuals, families, and small groups who have authentic passion to prioritize the eternal over the temporary things in this world that can so easily entangle us, as we seek to follow and honor Christ!