Grow Group Questions // January 23rd, 2022
3 Book Challenge (2 Tim. 2:1-2)
As we step into a new year at Berean there has been some conversation of how we as a church can grow. As we dive into 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul lays out that Timothy has been entrusted with a lot by Paul and others that he should turn around and teach/entrust to other men. How can we take what we have been entrusted with and disciple others?
Ice Breaker Questions
Here are some possible ways to get a conversation started:
How was your Christmas break?
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution?
Getting Started
1. Open up with some prayer – some possible prayer topics:
God would lead your time of discussion.
That this study would help our understanding of who God is and who we are in light of that.
Pray for your GG, that God would bring unity and community in your group.
That we would seek out what God has for us in this new year.
2. Read 2 Timothy 2:1-2
Discussion Questions
What have you been entrusted with from God? Who are the people that have poured into you? Do you see where God has worked in your life to reveal His character to you? (Maybe that has come through time spent with the Lord, in His word, prayer, or maybe through people He has placed in your life.)
Which of the four suggestions given on Sunday to help “be strengthened by grace” do you need to grow in? (Meditation, confession, remembering our new identity, and recalling our assured hope) How do you take a practical step in growing in that area? For example, there was one person who said she listens to worship music to focus her mind on Christ.
As we contemplate this “3 Book Challenge”, who is someone in your life that you could do this with? If you do not have a person, how do you take a step in identifying that person? If you don’t plan on participating, why is that?
When Berean talks about the “3 Book Challenge” we are simply talking about a tool to disciple others. Read Matthew 28:19-20. Do you feel that your life is characterized by disciple making? What holds you back from discipling others? (Fears, insecurities, time, etc.) Does Scripture speak to any of those? What does it say?
Being a Christian and sharing Christ with others can often be very difficult and, if we are honest, feel very awkward. What does Paul promise that the grace of God will do with Timothy? Read Luke 12:8-12. What comfort does Jesus give to those who are speaking for God? What does that mean for us?
Often a very overlooked part of 2 Tim. 2:2 is the last phrase, “who will be able to teach others also.” What do you think that means? What does this look like in our discipleship? Why is this important?
Closing Prayer
Prayer can often be somewhat of a weird time, and we understand it can be awkward to pray out loud, but as your group grows in comfortability ask people to pray out loud. Prayer is a very effective tool the Holy Spirit uses to draw our hearts closer to God. It is also a time you as a group can come together and come before the throne of God and make requests and just experience Him.
Some suggestions:
Ask if there are any prayer requests.
Pray that Jesus would use the week to reaffirm the truths discussed here.
Pray that God would put a burden on each person for Berean.
Pray for new people to come to know Christ this season.
Personal Spiritual Practice
This section is for anyone that wants some practical steps to try throughout their week. they are not required, but maybe a great way to reinforce what has been discussed during group. Maybe this could even be a way to check in either during the week or the next time you meet as a group.
Prayer: Do we pray for those who have not put their faith in Christ? As we talk about this “3 Book Challenge” would you consider praying every day this week that God would either bring people for you to disciple or to have the courage and boldness to ask to disciple someone in your life?
3 Book Challenge: Are you going to participate? If so, who is the person you are going to be walking with? Take time this week, along with your prayer, to identify the person you want to walk through the book with and plan to ask and take the first step.
Next Week’s Passage: Hebrews 1:1-4