Jan. 13 - Pray and Share (various texts)
First listen to the sermon (posts Sun. afternoon) – key texts for the sermon include Luke 10:2, 15:1-10; 2 Timothy 2:24-26; John 4:28-29; and Hebrews 2:9. Then use the ideas below to help you and your group apply what the Lord is teaching you.
Icebreaker idea: What's one thing you're asking God for right now?
A way to pray: Pray for our church family in 2019 to be consistent in taking the 4 steps of praying and sharing that John presented to us on 1/13.
Treasuring God: What is precious to me about knowing that God is "the Lord of the harvest" and that His harvest is "plentiful"?
Being Transformed: How do I currently share my life with others who don't know Christ? What is one way I can do this more intentionally?
Loving Others: Who in my life is a captive needing to escape the devil's snare and be unblinded? Will I commit to praying regularly for them?
Pursuing Unity: Why is our unity an essential part of 2k22? What does choosing unity require in my own life? How else can I play my part in 2k22?