Serving on the Brew Crew!
There are three different serving roles on the Brew Crew team: Master Brewer, 9:15 Coffee Host, and 11:00 Coffee Host/Clean-up. As we seek to prepare you well to regularly serve in this ministry area, we ask that you take time to watch these three training videos and consider which role you’d enjoy serving in. (even if you only serve in one role, it is helpful to have an understanding of all three).
Click here for a checklist of specific responsibilities for each area.
(Physical copy of list on wall to the left of coffee machines)
Another crucial part of serving on the Brew Crew is Scheduling. Learning to use the Planning Center Services app is a necessity, so that you know when you are requested to serve and we can know that we have someone planning to serve in each of the roles each Sunday. The video below will tell you all that you need to know to get set up and running on Services.
If you have any questions on the details of the process or scheduling before you serve, please email Andrew. Thank you so much for sharing your time & talents at North Platte Berean!