Jan. 21 - Give Us Awareness

Ephesians 1:15-23

Think it out

  • How does knowing Christ’s hope, riches, and power are mine, change me?

  • For further study of the book: Ephesians overview video or in-depth video study of Ephesians.

Talk it out

  • Have you experienced the richness of Christ in community? If so, how? If not, what is holding you back?

  • How can this prayer give us confidence to take the gospel into our homes? Our jobs? Against temptation?

Live it out

  • Put “Holy Forever” on repeat this week. Each time you listen, consider, “Do I believe this for myself?”

  • Reread these prayers: for Healing (James 5:13-18), Boldness (Acts 4:23-31), Love (Phil. 1:9-11), Wisdom (Eph. 1:15-23). Commit to daily praying the one that is most meaningful.

Dan Smith