April 28 - Peace & Hope (Part 2)

Romans 5:1-11

Think it out

  • Check out these word study videos on biblical Hope and Peace.

  • Go deeper: watch the Romans 5:1-11 video in this series by J.D. Greear (If you haven’t yet signed up for your FREE RightNow Media account, text npberean to 49775).

Talk it out

  • What would it take for you to willingly lay down your life for another? How does this make Christ’s sacrifice even more precious?

  • Share examples of God’s wrath in the Bible (see here for examples of the same Greek word that Paul uses in Rom. 5:9). In this light, what does being “saved by [Christ] from the wrath of God” mean in this week’s passage?

Live it out

  • Christ reconciled us to God while we were still sinners. How could you move toward reconciliation with someone who has sinned against you?

  • As you listen to Yet Not I but through Christ in Me, make a list of ways you are blessed by Christ. How can you share this blessing with others this week?

Dan Smith
April 21 - Peace & Hope (Part 1)

Romans 5:1-11

Think it out

  • Check out these word study videos on the Biblical words for Peace and Hope.

  • Go Deeper: Watch the Romans 5:1-11 video in this series by J.D. Greer (If you haven’t yet signed up for your FREE RightNow Media account, text npberean to 49775).

Talk it out

  • Believers have been justified, saved, reconciled. What does that mean to you? Why does it matter?

  • What would it take for you to willingly lay down your life for another? How does this make Christ’s sacrifice even more precious?

Live it out

  • Re-read verses 5:3-4. How can past or current suffering lead to hope in your life? Pray for God to show you how to rejoice in suffering.

  • Who do you know that needs peace with God? Ask God for an opportunity to share the Gospel with them. Unsure how to share, click HERE.

Dan Smith
April 14 - The Golden Rule

2 Samuel 9:1-13

Note: We’re evaluating whether or not to continue including this new Beyond Sunday section in the bulletin. If you’ve found it useful and would like us to keep it (and/or if you have ideas to make it better), please let us know at npberean.org/yes

Think it out

  • The king’s enemy ate at his table like a son. Imagine what sitting at God’s banquet table will be like. Whatever you imagined isn’t even close!

  • For a deeper look at God’s “Hesed” love, watch this video.

Talk it out

  • Picture someone you struggle to love. Now imagine honoring them like royalty. What stirs in your heart? Why do you think that is?

  • What covenants have you vowed to honor? How does keeping them display loyal love?

Live it out

  • Find someone who has nothing to offer you. How can you lavish love on them this week?

  • Daily lift up “How deep the Father’s Love for Us” as a personalized prayer this week.

Dan Smith
April 7 - Abide In Christ

John 15:1-17

Note: We’re evaluating whether or not to continue including this new Beyond Sunday section in the bulletin. If you’ve found it useful and would like us to keep it (and/or if you have ideas to make it better), please let us know at npberean.org/yes

Think it out

  • How would you describe someone who is abiding in Christ? Is that evident in your life?

  • Dig deeper into what it means to ABIDE with this resource: The Disciplines of Abiding. (If you haven’t yet signed up for your FREE RightNow Media account, text npberean to 49775).

Talk it out

  • How does time in the Word, prayer, or community help you love as Christ loves you?

  • What helps turn your affections toward Jesus? What distracts you from Him?

Live it out

  • Memorize John 15:5. Repeat it throughout this week to evaluate how well you are abiding.

  • Who in your life needs to experience Christ’s love? Consider one way you can lay down your life for them this week? Then do it!

Dan Smith